
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Week 3 CPR Marathon Training Tempo run

So Tyler, Osty, Barry and myself just got an updated training plan for our target race which is the Fargo Full marathon but with the exception of Barry and the addition of my good friend Agata; Tyler, Osty and myself will skip the Saturday LSD this coming weekend as we will be running the Hypothermic Half Marathon which is being held at the Fort Whyte Centre.

This will be my second running of the marathon, I talked with coach Dan about this race into how to approach it and he suggested to run this race as more of tune up to see where my fitness is. I wasn't planning to try and PR or get a goal of a 1:50 1/2 marathon as I don't want to get too stressed out and accidentally hurt myself, delaying my progress for Fargo. He also suggested to let my body dictate my pace and not to stare at my watch as that will get me all stressed out in trying to figure out if I'm hitting my splits or stress of just thinking about this can drive you crazy. But that is for another day...tonight I have a 10km road ahead of me that needs to be tackled.

So I used tonight's tempo run to try and gauge in how my potential pacing might be for the Hypo half. Cold wind coming from the west as it was really blustery to start. As for the run itself, I was not completely dialed in, more to do with external stress and lack of sleep, so the run was a real chore to do at the start. I started very slow on purpose, way behind Osty and Red, then gradually started picking it up as we ended on Vialoux Dr and down Haney St then down Grant was where I was able to catch up to Osty and Red and keep up with them through the rest of the run. FWIW, even though I was tired I was able to do an honest 10km in just a little over an hour in the dead of winter on very uneven ground with the snowbanks we had to run through and the uneven footing.