
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Another cold LSD

Stress can be a big deterrent to running well and even though I run so I can get away from the stress of everyday life, there are moments when that stress just doesn't want to let go no matter how far you run.

Today was one of those days, I woke up early to get myself ready for my morning LSD with CPR, and normally I go downstairs to log into the computer to see what the temperature is and then kind of just go from there. But as I sit down in front of my computer, nothing is responding, I do a hard shutdown on the computer and when it finally boots up, I can't get onto the wireless internet. I started getting all flustered and worked up because I couldn't get onto my computer that instead of doing a light stretch and getting something to eat, I was banging away trying to get the wi-fi to connect and it WAS BOTHERING ME.

I looked at the clock and realized I only had 1/2 an hour to get to the store and I didn't even warm up the truck. So I dropped everything I was working on with the computer, threw some bread into the toaster and then got myself dressed for a cold run as I checked on TV that the temperature with out the windchill was -37C. I had to pick up Aggie from her house too so it was going to be a quick drive.

Once I arrived at the store, that computer problem was still on my mind. I ran with my friend Tyler as Osty had a hockey thing for his son and Tyler and I ran with the main group, reaching Misercordia hospital in decent time. As we were making our way back, I ran into Aggie as I crossed the bridge back. Tyler kept running ahead, he thought I was running with some other girl and decided to leave me about a miscue. Anyways, Aggie was frozen, and I could tell she was a bit stressed out running in such cold weather, she was wearing a puffy jacket which overheated her and on the way back, she was very cold from the westerly windchill. So I told her we'd do the run one block then walk one block, and we did that all the way back to the store. I'm lucky I work all of my cold weather gear along with this Kodiak thermal shirt that I picked up at Walmart along with my Hind top and Nike Thermal jacket which helped, but was still a stiff cold wind coming at you and I was wearing a pair of wool gloves and not my leather mittens, which my hands were frozen heading back.

The run was done and getting to have brunch at Qualico centre was fun with the CPR gang. And starting this Tuesday I'm getting all ready for my Marathon clinic.

I guess the good thing about running was even though I wasn't as focused and I let my stress get to me, getting those eventual miles in, no matter how fast or far ended up taking away the stress that was eating away at me....things eventually did work out as when I got home, I noticed my computer connected to the wi-fi network. Wow, first world problems...not connecting to the internet.