
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week 2 CPR Intervals

Our speed work for the second week of training:

8 x 90 Seconds interval

  • Option 1: Run 90 seconds at 5km pace followed by 90 seconds slow recovery jog.
  • Option 2: Run 90 seconds at 5km pace followed by 45 seconds walk 45 seconds slow recovery jog.
  • Option 3: Run 90 seconds at 5km pace followed by 90 seconds walk.
I chose to do option 1, Osty wasn't in today as he had a hockey commitment with his son. But he gave me some sage advice when doing this workout. He told me it's very easy to go past your 5km pace for the first 3 intervals, but the next sets will get progressively harder to the point where you won't have any gas for the last interval set and that is where you should be going for it.

So instead of blasting out of the gate on the first whistle, I kept it at stable at what my body perceived to be my 5km pace (4:50 - 5:01/km) as I forgot my watch and had to rely on Endomondo using my phone, so I couldn't get the splits. This was a hard workout as it taught me to keep everything in check no matter how badly my legs, body and mind wanted to sprint out of the gate.