
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Week 5 CPR Marathon Training - Speedier, Stronger and Longer

One of the things I love about the clinic are these factoids that coach Dan includes in our training plans that he sends out before the start of our new training week. I've learned about the benefits of Merino wool, the importance of hydration pre, during and post workouts, a recipe for a tasty post-run snack and for this weeks tidbit was 15 Best foods for Runners. Which I find I'm not eating enough of...I'll have to start looking more into my diet and nutrition.

March 4, 2014

Week 5 CPR Intervals:
6 x 3 minutes - Run 3 minutes at 5k pace followed by 2 minute slow jog or a recovery walk.

I felt great going into this training. The weather was 'warmer' considering the deep freeze we've had since late November. The footing was hard pack snow with a lot of slippery patches, but I was still able to get in great splits below my 5k interval pace I set at 4:50 - 5:10 pace.

Avg Pace

March 6, 2014

Week 5 CPR Tempo

Seriously, WTF is up with this weather? It was actually a very nice evening of -5C, yeah you read that right but then it started to snow. And it wasn't your "Oh look at the snowflakes gracing us with their unique beauty..." But more like holy sh*t, it's coming down and the ground became all mushy and felt like running on sand and the drifts started to form because along with the snow, the wind decided to join in on the party and blow that wet snow everywhere we ran. My legs felt like lead, and with the sandy ground, it made footing very tough. Ran with Tyler the whole way through as Osty had hockey with his son. We just ran laps around the park as the footing was horrible.

March 8, 2014

Week 5 CPR LSD

I don't know why I was having a hard time running this morning. I slept well the night before and I was actually looking forward to running. But when I got out there, my legs were just not co-operating. I got as far as The Forks, with Osty and Tyler wanting to go a bit further, I went back with one of the groups and I kept up with them as far as the Wellington path and they started to pull away. I couldn't match them stride for stride but I made sure I didn't stop to walk. When I got back into Assiniboine park, my body was just exhausted and done but I managed to run right to the bridge and just walk myself back to the store. Not the best run, but I got in the mileage. Longest training run so far, with the exception of the Hypothermic half.

I'm wondering if this is that plateau period in a person's training. I mean, I'm trying to get faster, but my body is just not feeling it. I've kept up my calisthenics, but even my warm ups feel really 'hard.' It's like my body is rejecting my attempts to get to that next level. I don't feel stressed out, I could use a little better sleep regimen, but being a techie you sometimes have to do late night maintenance work which screws up your day and sleep patterns. Do I crank back my training pace or just fight through this?