
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Running Days June 8 - 14

June 8, 2015 @ 6:46 PM

Wk3 aerobic base day 1 - run 15

This run is day 15 of a base building phase that I'm working on for TCM. I added another mile and half from last weeks build and even after yesterday's LSD I was able to get in a very good run with keeping all of my splits within 10-15 secs while maintaining a avg HR <140

11.40 kmDistance
6:03 min/kmAvg Pace
745 CCalories
12 mElev Gain
140 bpmAvg HR
150 bpmMax HR
180 spmAvg Cadence
197 spmMax Cadence

June 9, 2015 @ 6:06 PM

Wk3 day 2 aerobic hill work

Tonight I went out with Phil, Lori, Paul, Roberto and Osty and we did some hill work. I'm still in the base building phase so I was very cognizant of staying well within my aerobic threshold. I wanted to keep my HR on the uphills to 151(ish) bpm and on the downhill, I worked on stablizing to 145bpm. I'll do a 3 mile cool down in my neighborhood to stretch out my calve muscles.

7.78 kmDistance
5:32 min/kmAvg Pace
502 CCalories
74 mElev Gain
147 bpmAvg HR
159 bpmMax HR
174 spmAvg Cadence
195 spmMax Cadence

June 9, 2015 @ 7:45 PM

Wk3 day 2 post hill cool down. When I got home I noticed my calves were pretty tight and I didn't want them to seize up, so I went out and did a short block cool down run keeping it into the recovery zone. Legs feel better, next up I'll roll them after the shower.

June 10, 2015 @ 8:45 PM

Wk3 aerobic base day 3 <145bpm

Good run tonight, even with the lack of sleep from working the night before and putting in a full day at the office, plus running the hills last night. Took a nap when I got home then laced them up and told myself to run in the 145bpm zone. I sensed I was running fast but the effort was easy while in the 145bpm zone. Still too early to tell but it's looking and feeling really good. Happy about the splits, especially the last 4 miles were pretty even across the board and in line with my HR.

11.24 kmDistance
5:39 min/kmAvg Pace
713 CCalories
5 mElev Gain
143 bpmAvg HR
151 bpmMax HR
180 spmAvg Cadence
198 spmMax Cadence

June 11, 2015 @ 6:05 PM

Wk3 aerobic threshold kinda tempo day 4

Finally got to return to City Park Runners after almost a month away from the club. It obviously hasn't stopped me from running, but I was very happy to head out and run with the group. Tonight I ran pretty close to my aerobic threshold, and I was able to keep that going mostly because running with the faster people helped keep me honest with my effort, even while I was watching my HR. Good run, tomorrow will for sure be an easy day.

9.84 kmDistance
5:20 min/kmAvg Pace
647 CCalories
6 mElev Gain
151 bpmAvg HR
162 bpmMax HR
177 spmAvg Cadence
205 spmMax Cadence

June 12, 2015 @ 10:18 PM

Wk3 day 5 not too smart of a run. Getting too late in the evening when I started this run and was in a hurry. Went too fast to get the mileage in and I'm actually hurting a bit. Too many things going on to get in training.

8.85 kmDistance
6:06 min/kmAvg Pace
608 CCalories
10 mElev Gain
143 bpmAvg HR
153 bpmMax HR
179 spmAvg Cadence
204 spmMax Cadence

June 13, 2015 @ 8:01 AM

Wk3 day 6 Saturday with CPR

Ran late last night only to get up early this morning to run with CPR. No calories in me this morning so I didn't want to push myself and told myself to run comfortable. The run to Misery was comfortable and the run to Osbourne was not too bad. It was from Misery back to CPR which was getting hard, especially after the tracks going back into the park where I was pushing to keep up with Dan and Phil and it was evident in my HR. Good run but 2 days of aerobic threshold with this one pushing a little too hard is going to set me back if I keep this up. Tomorrow I'll run for 2 hrs at a very easy relaxed pace and see what distance it covers.

16.00 kmDistance
5:28 min/kmAvg Pace
1,020 CCalories
27 mElev Gain
149 bpmAvg HR
162 bpmMax HR
180 spmAvg Cadence
201 spmMax Cadence

June 14, 2015 @ 3:07 PM

Wk3 LSD run day 7 - Glad I failed

I was trying too hard to get going and I knew after the first 2 miles the 13 miler wasn't going to happen. The last 3 days I was running at way too high aerobic threshold without any recovery. Especially yesterday when I ran too fast with CPR after a late night run of a high threshold the night prior. Pushed my limit and glad I was able to realize my body was not responding even by going slow my calves and Achilles were sore. Rest up the whole day and see how I feel for tomorrow.

6.03 kmDistance
7:06 min/kmAvg Pace
384 CCalories
4 mElev Gain
124 bpmAvg HR
138 bpmMax HR
174 spmAvg Cadence
189 spmMax Cadence

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