
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Week 7 - Day 4 OverTraining Run

Burned out...tried to run and I was able to but then I started to hurt. First it was my quads, then my achilles and I realized I was hurting all over. Stopped my run short. Texted Sean about this run and he told me I'm overtraining, my competitiveness is getting the worse of me. I have to dial it back and get in some rest. 

I have to thank Sean Ostermann for giving me focus when I start getting into this mode. I wish I could train more with him but with our families, work (even though we work literally in the same building about 50 feet away) and everyday responsibilities makes for training together a little difficult. I'm hoping by the time summer starts rolling we'll be able to get in more training together, especially hill training.

My training and marathon buddy Sean Ostermann