
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Progress report February 2014

With the start of the Marathon training clinic, I was able to get in a decent amount of mileage for the month of February. I'm trying not to obsess over the numbers, but when you're trying to improve in endurance sports, you can't help but look at the statistics to see how far you've come and to help determine where you need to be.

So far I've run with very little pain. Yes the aches of running still do rear it's ugly head, but the effects start to minimize the more you get out there and your recovery time gets faster. I've become more mindful of my form mentally taking stock of what's going on during the run like an onboard car computer. It truly is all pain management once you start tackling more and more mileage.

Count:13 Activities
Distance:126.51 km
Time:13:32:28 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:152 m
Avg Speed:9.3 km/h
Max Avg Speed:12.0 km/h
Avg HR:146 bpm
Max Speed:109.1 km/h
Max HR:186 bpm
Max Avg HR:146 bpm
Avg Run Cadence:86 spm
Calories:9,139 C
Avg Distance:9.73 km
Median Distance:9.46 km
Max Distance:20.81 km
Avg Time:1:02:30 h:m:s
Median Time:57:53 h:m:s
Max Time:2:03:54 h:m:s
Avg Elevation Gain:12 m
Median Elevation Gain:5 m
Max Elevation Gain:102 m
Elevation Loss:167 m
Avg Elevation Loss:13 m
Median Elevation Loss:5 m
Max Elevation Loss:104 m
Max Avg Run Cadence:89 spm
Max Run Cadence:120 spm

*Some notables...My run cadence has stayed the same, but I'm attributing that to the winter and how different your stride is with the ever changing ground, I'm going to work on getting my cadence up closer to the 88-90 SPM. I really haven't gained too much Avg Distance from last month, but again that's due to the winter and how cold it's been and I'm not really running for the sake of running as I'm more concerned about putting in the quality in my runs with getting more speed, but this all takes time and I'm hoping that when spring finally comes and the roads and trails finally become clear of the damn snow, my progress will start to ramp up.