
Friday, January 31, 2014

New Year new everything - Progress report January 2014

So 2013 is now the past, with a lot of ups and personal downs. But like I said in my last post, it's what you do afterwards, that brings the person to measure. So as 2013 came to an end, I started a strength training regimen which I will outline in another post and I started running. Running more consistently, and running with more of a focus.

I wanted to run more with a purpose in mind, going into the CPR Marathon training with an athlete's mindset, making all of my runs quality and not quantity. After the Twin Cities Marathon, I took a bit of a break from running and when I picked it up again, I only ran with the express purpose of building my base. I wanted to put a lot of quality into my runs and I learned a couple of things along the way, especially for body strength and injury prevention. I'm still in the discovery and training phases of what I've learned and putting into practice and I'll write more as I gain insight into what I'm doing and it's progress. As I can tell you, that I've been running injury free for the last 3 months since I've started this calisthenics program and I've changed up my running mechanics where I'm not using my legs so much as I find I'm running with my whole body.

But for the month of January, I only ran 8 times and covered just over 75kms. I know it's not much, but its a good start and I felt those were quality miles.

Count:8 Activities
Distance:75.07 km
Time:8:06:56 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:43 m
Avg Speed:9.3 km/h
Max Avg Speed:10.4 km/h
Avg HR:--
Max Speed:23.2 km/h
Max HR:--
Max Avg HR:--
Avg Run Cadence:86 spm
Calories:5,208 C
Avg Distance:9.38 km
Median Distance:8.79 km
Max Distance:12.56 km
Avg Time:1:00:52 h:m:s
Median Time:54:49 h:m:s
Max Time:1:25:47 h:m:s
Avg Elevation Gain:5 m
Median Elevation Gain:3 m
Max Elevation Gain:23 m
Elevation Loss:51 m
Avg Elevation Loss:6 m
Median Elevation Loss:5 m
Max Elevation Loss:23 m
Max Avg Run Cadence:90 spm
Max Run Cadence:104 spm

Looking at the report, a couple of things I want to improve upon. I want to get my Avg Run Cadence higher into the 88-90's. Granted, this is winter and footing is very different, I bought a pair of Asics Goretex trail running shoes that Erick suggested and they have been great. There isn't much cushioning as compared to the Brooks Pureflows, but after running the first 20km in them, I was getting used to that minimalist feel and my feet have been nice and toasty warm as I find the bane of winter running to be frozen hands first, then frozen feet. If my hands go, then my feet go and then everything starts to become a struggle. I'm trying to find good combinations for cold weather running.

It's getting close to the clinic and I'm really excited to get things going. February 4th, 2014 is the start and I'll write about the training and my progress leading up the Fargo Full Marathon on May 10, 2014.