
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March 2015 > 24 - 31 Running Days

March has been the biggest month volume wise for mileage. I wanted to run 200 miles (322km) and see if my body could handle the load. And my final thoughts were, I think I pushed too much which lead to some injuries, especially my right achilles as I have this nagging twinge that flares up during the run. In the morning is difficult as the ache is the worse where I'm limping my way around the house for the first bit.

March 24, 2015 @ 7:08 PM

WK 10 LT Paced run Fargo marathon training. Raining and snowing at the same time so I was soaked to the bone. Got in a 9 miler at LT pace, felt good. Only problem for this run were my shoes. I wore my new Asics trail shoes and I was experiencing the morton's nueroma issues again and even though they were wide, it didn't feel wide enough like the Altra's. Will have to go back to CPR and get another pair.

14.42 kmDistance
5:25 min/kmAvg Pace
1,000 CCalories
4 mElev Gain
150 bpmAvg HR
159 bpmMax HR
184 spmAvg Cadence
203 spmMax Cadence

March 25, 2015 @ 6:44 PM

WK 10 Over-Training syndrome Recovery Run. I think I'm on the cusp of over-training. I went out to do my planned recovery run, but when I got outside I immediately noticed after the first mile/half that I was really off. 

Even though I was within my recovery paces, every part of my body was just sore. The worse part was my right achilles. Normally the dull ache would go away after a km, but this time it persisted through the whole run and at times flared up noticeably when I was trying to lengthen or shorten my stride. 

Keeping my cadence up over 180spm helped alleviate the pain but I think it's prudent to take tomorrow's training session off, I have Friday as a normal day off and I'll see how I feel Saturday. If I feel good Saturday, I'll only run to Misery for an 8miler as I want to accomplish the 22 mile LSD on Sunday.

6.41 kmDistance
6:42 min/kmAvg Pace
441 CCalories
3 mElev Gain
129 bpmAvg HR
135 bpmMax HR
183 spmAvg Cadence
215 spmMax Cadence

March 28 2015 @ 8:02 AM

Wk10 Easy run to Misery Fargo marathon training. After taking 2 days off to heal up this nagging achilles pain I was able to go at this run at a nice easy pace with Barry along the Wellington Path to Misercordia hospital. Great positive was I was running at a faster pace, great cadence and perfect zone2 HR.  Even running an 8:41mi/5:26km split was at that nice even z2. If I can keep that z2 working throughout the first 20 miles of the marathon at that pace, I'll be able to break sub 4. Things are gettting close and achilles pain has subsided. :)

12.36 kmDistance
5:49 min/kmAvg Pace
819 CCalories
18 mElev Gain
140 bpmAvg HR
162 bpmMax HR
179 spmAvg Cadence
238 spmMax Cadence

March 29, 2015 @ 8:30 AM

Man, I can't believe how frustrating this run got. Felt good but I was struggling against the NW wind which was just blasting against me. Plus I realized I wasn't going to have the time to finish anywhere near 20miles at the rate I was going so I just cut it short and will wait out the weather later this afternoon. Too bad there's no category Bullshit for Event Type.

5.36 kmDistance
6:02 min/kmAvg Pace
342 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
139 bpmAvg HR
187 bpmMax HR
175 spmAvg Cadence
196 spmMax Cadence

@ 4:16 PM

Wk Fargo Marathon training LSD. This was an interval workout of me going 2km at easy pace, then 32mins of running going at a pace between 5:20 - 5:45/km x 6. 

I got to 3 and 3/4 before I blew up and just stopped the timer walked to Pita Pit, drank choc milk, ate chicken breast pita and then walked 4km home to loosen the legs. I'm going to change the interval timing to 20 mins and 2 min walk and see how that goes. Learned I can handle hammer gels, but can't eat eload discs as that was making my stomach quesy. Or maybe I was just hungry, because I don't think I fueled properly pre-run.

26.00 kmDistance
6:02 min/kmAvg Pace
1,732 CCalories
288 mElev Gain
151 bpmAvg HR
193 bpmMax HR
178 spmAvg Cadence
202 spmMax Cadence

March 31, 2015 @ 7:05 PM

Wk11 CPR Time Trial Fargo marathon training. Was feeling really tight at the beginning, but glad I got in a good warm up and workout prior to the time trial. I was able to stay mid-pack with Paul, Courtney, Becky and Josh. By the time we got to the Zoo parking lot, Josh broke away and Paul and I broke away from Courtney and Becky. But surprise, surprise Erick comes sneaking by along with Bruce and they started pulling away at the cricket field. It was around here I drafted behind Paul and stayed with him to the bridge but started falling apart. Paul urged me on and I was able to do a final kick only 2 seconds behind him. Not bad, but so far my fastest. Main thing that was going through my brain from the zoo parking lot on..."Keep turning your legs" "Don't lose your shit" "Breathe, breathe, breathe..." "Don't lose your shit"

4.78 kmDistance
4:38 min/kmAvg Pace
315 CCalories
mElev Gain
167 bpmAvg HR
181 bpmMax HR
183 spmAvg Cadence
200 spmMax Cadence

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 2015 > 17 - 22 Running Days

March 17, 2015 @ 6:21 AM

Wk 9 Fargo marathon- AM Running. I haven't slept a wink last night, very stressed and annoyed with some personal things going on. I was supposed to get up early and start the rest of my training cycle with some doubles. My HR spiked to 213 bpm which is way too high, which I will probably take from no sleep and a lot of stress. I still have speed work tonight.

6.45 kmDistance
5:44 min/kmAvg Pace
470 CCalories
3 mElev Gain
163 bpmAvg HR
213 bpmMax HR
183 spmAvg Cadence
195 spmMax Cadence

@ 7:03 PM
Wk 9 CPR Intervals Fargo Training. Tough workout tonight. 
600m Interval 300m recovery; 
300m Interval; 300 rec; 
300m Int.; 300 rec; 
300m Int; 300 rec; x 3. 

My best set was doing the 2nd 600 Interval. There was a group of us (Ted, Bruce, Erick, Paul, Barry and Courtney) just finishing up our 300m recovery. I was in the lead while the others were very close behind. As I rounded the corner for the 600m interval, I blasted...but I immediately sensed my pacing was way to fast and toned it down and felt the others behind me fall back the same. That 600m split was only 11 secs off my first 600m and the last 600m was 14 seconds off. This was a great way to hone my pace sensing skills.

5.72 kmDistance
5:21 min/kmAvg Pace
369 CCalories
4 mElev Gain
148 bpmAvg HR
169 bpmMax HR
170 spmAvg Cadence
244 spmMax Cadence

March 18, 2015 @ 1:21 PM

Wk 9 Recovery Run. Ran a recovery run from last night's workout  with cadence and HR in mind. The purpose of this run was to make sure I kept my HR under 140 and keep my cadence at 180+. I did do one surge down Leila to blow out the tubes.

12.82 kmDistance
5:58 min/kmAvg Pace
885 CCalories
4 mElev Gain
137 bpmAvg HR
150 bpmMax HR
185 spmAvg Cadence
205 spmMax Cadence

March 19, 2015 @ 5:50 AM

This is the week I started adding doubles to my training cycle to up the weekly mileage and help me acclimatize to running in the morning. Going to start with only 2 doubles/week for the first 2 weeks to see if my body can handle the extra mileage as I'm trying to get into that 50-55 miles/week range. Still have to nail the going to bed on time part to help my recovery better, but it's a learning process. This morning I just ran, there was a clear path ahead of me and I just went with my gut, not staring at my watch. I'm happy to report I got my HR, cadence and pace almost aligned. I was just under 150 hovering at a 138 bpm avg, while my cadence was hopping at 184 spm and my pace....oh my pacing is coming together. I negative split the whole run keeping my form intact.

6.42 kmDistance
5:32 min/kmAvg Pace
426 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
138 bpmAvg HR
149 bpmMax HR
184 spmAvg Cadence
195 spmMax Cadence

@ 6:03 PM

After the winter base building, now it's time to start getting in the speed work and upping the intensity. Not worrying about HR but moving the legs into that 180 cadence again was the focus. This tempo had that uncomfortable intensity but I kept the focus to finish the distance. Rest of the week is now the LSD

10.83 kmDistance
5:20 min/kmAvg Pace
724 CCalories
7 mElev Gain
146 bpmAvg HR
162 bpmMax HR
180 spmAvg Cadence
199 spmMax Cadence

March 21, 2015 @ 3:04 PM. 

Stupid spring took a break and let old man winter back in. Misjudged the weather as my hands froze. Even though I wore gloves it was just uncomfortable. Didn't run in the morning with CPR as I wasn't feeling too well and waited it out in the afternoon to run. Nice and easy 10 miler to prep for the 20 miler tomorrow.

16.02 kmDistance
5:42 min/kmAvg Pace
1,068 CCalories
9 mElev Gain
139 bpmAvg HR
150 bpmMax HR
185 spmAvg Cadence
207 spmMax Cadence

March 22, 2015 @ 12:39 PM

Wk 9 20 miler LSD Fargo Marathon Training. First 20 miler of the training cycle. 

The positives: ate well the night before, and had a great sleep and ate a good breakfast of eggs, rice, coffee and my concoction of beetroot, blueberries, chia with maltodextrin. Stretched out with foam roller and stick, took 1 gel about 1/2 hr before I was going to start running. I dressed "OK" for the temp but I found my clothing to be too heavy but that was minor. I packed 4 gels and my water bottle and headed out and felt FLAT. 

I started slow because I wanted to try and finish strong. I practiced taking the gels every 4 miles (4-8-12-16) and I was able to stomach 4 through the whole run which is good. I wore injinji socks and my Altra Torins 1.5, and that actually wasn't too bad, except the end where the bottom of my feet was getting raw, but that's to be expected since both socks and shoes are practically new. 

Now for the unpositives...I now know I shouldn't run 10 miles the day prior because, even though I didn't know it, my legs were still not fully recovered from the 10 miler and that was probably the main reason I wasn't able to get that pop in my legs. My aerobics was good, I wasn't struggling, just my legs were tired and you can tell by the last 5 miles, it became a bit of a death march and I found that pain cave runners talk about. But I was able to stick my head out of the pain cave and run a decent mile 18...just the last two were very tough, but I made it. 

Other positive I was able to keep my form and cadence intact as I was able to make corrections when I started to notice if my body started to lean too forward or too far back, kept body nice and straight with strong core. Good positives and great things I learned for the next two 20 milers. Another positive, despite how slow it felt to me at times, I was still running in my prescribed training paces, so that's a very GOOD positive. Kept my cadence very high and my HR nice and low.

32.13 kmDistance
6:51 min/kmAvg Pace
1,946 CCalories
501 mElev Gain
130 bpmAvg HR
179 bpmMax HR
182 spmAvg Cadence
207 spmMax Cadence

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 2015 > 11 - 15 Running Days

March 11, 2015 @ 1:02 PM

Took an extra maintenance day to let my feet heal, especially my 2nd toes as the swelling finally went down and there was very little discomfort. This was from my last run where my feet were soaked at I was wearing the Salomon Fell Cross 3's which I find too narrow on my foot. But a nice and easy 6 miler, didn't wear my HR Strap but I'm getting my cadence dialed in. Started slow and finished fast. Good run.

10.19 kmDistance
5:52 min/kmAvg Pace
764 CCalories
5 mElev Gain
182 spmAvg Cadence
194 spmMax Cadence

March 12, 2015 @ 6:47 PM

Week 8 Fargo Marathon training. Spring is in the air and it's staying lighter out late. Week 8 Tempo workout. Warm up 3.22 Km at 6:00 - 6:20/km; Interval 4.83 km at 5:31 - 5:42/km;  3:00 Cool down; Interval 4.83 km at 5:31 - 5:42/km; Cool down at 1.61 km 6:00 - 6:47/km. 

You know things feel good when you're actually trying to slow down to keep within the paces you set for the workout. I'll re-evaluate in the next week to see if I need to adjust the pace as I'm staying within my heartrate.

14.69 kmDistance
5:54 min/kmAvg Pace
911 CCalories
4 mElev Gain
141 bpmAvg HR
152 bpmMax HR
178 spmAvg Cadence
197 spmMax Cadence

March 14, 2015 @ 8:03 AM

Stupid spring took a break and let old man winter back in. It was annoyingly cold -12C/10F and my hands suffered, even though I wore gloves. I should have worn my heavy mitts. Tomorrow is the 20miler.

10 Mile threshold run getting in Tempo, Marathon and Recovery mixed in to keep a stable pace going throughout. Weird thing is I was having problems maintaining a 180 SPM cadence. Partly do to very slippery roads as it's spring melt time.

16.24 kmDistance
5:32 min/kmAvg Pace
1,063 CCalories
18 mElev Gain
150 bpmAvg HR
161 bpmMax HR
175 spmAvg Cadence
212 spmMax Cadence

March 15, 2015 @ 3:13 PM

Wk 8 Dropping LSD on a Sunday afternoon - Marathon training Fargo 2015. Longest run to date this year and I prepared as best I could. There are a couple of things I learned on this run. 

First Nutrition, I only had 2 Hammer gels for this and I know I could have easily used 2 more during this run especially holding at this pace. Only thing that saved me was my concoction of Maltodextrin, 2 packs of honey and a splash of real lemon (to get rid of that dead ass taste of the Maltodextrin) mix in the magic bullet and fill the 21oz bottle and go. I've been carbo loading since yesterday sipping away at water mixed with Maltodextrin and eating 3 waffles with honey and coffee this morning followed by spaghetti w/ meat sauce and spinach salad for lunch about hour/half before I hit the road.

Second thing I learned was pacing, I didn't think I took off too fast as I was reeling it in and checking my HR trying to keep it at that z2 easy pace. But I wanted negative splits and it was getting hard the last 4-5 miles. I took a couple of quick breaks in the park after I did my first loop and after the 2nd or 3rd loop (can't remember). But it was mostly to just relax and enjoy the outing, to stay consistent and get in that mileage without major DOMS. 

A couple of bright spots, I was able to do some nice surges in the park for a couple of loops and I did a great finish line surge near the end of my run on Inkster and ran the rest of the way home on cool down in the fat burning zone. My cadence is getting to that 180 spm!

Lots of positives and I actually feel pretty decent, the Altra Torin 1.5's have been the best shoes out of the box since the Brooks PureFlows v1. These will be my marathon racers for 2015. I learned a lot on this run and the great take away is, this has been the least amount of fade for an LSD for me to date. It's starting to come together :)

28.36 kmDistance
6:11 min/kmAvg Pace
2,003 CCalories
572 mElev Gain
141 bpmAvg HR
158 bpmMax HR
179 spmAvg Cadence
204 spmMax Cadence

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 2015 > 1 - 8 Running Days

March 1, 2015 @ 4:20 PM

Super slow LSD today. Slower than normal. Two things I learned today.

1 don't eat a burger an hour before your LSD. 
2 don't play pick up hockey with your buddies for an hour before heading out to run your LSD. 

Was trying to go for 20km but I died a thousand deaths at the last 3 miles as my stomach was doing hula hoops and I almost took a detour through the woods and I was just exhausted from playing hockey. Not my best run but I got in the mileage. 

18.91 kmDistance
7:09 min/kmAvg Pace
1,171 CCalories
23 mElev Gain
136 bpmAvg HR
152 bpmMax HR
166 spmAvg Cadence
231 spmMax Cadence

March 3, 2015 @ 6:52 PM

2015 Wk 7 CPR interval training. Pyramid workout done at 5km race pace. This is my favourite workout and I was able to hit my splits well even though I forgot to hit the pace button on my Garmin to start the workout. It still captured my distance and avg pace. 
5.04 kmDistance
5:15 min/kmAvg Pace
321 CCalories
2 mElev Gain
150 bpmAvg HR
164 bpmMax HR
180 spmAvg Cadence
207 spmMax Cadence

March 4, 2015 @ 6:11 PM

Recovery run. Again with the deep freeze. Wasn't feeling it, but I did want to get in the mileage and to shake my legs out. I'm now seeing the hard work with running easy over the past 2 months is starting to pay off as I'm noticing my HR and pace both at opposite ends and that's good. My HR is down to zone 2 and but my pacing has gone up. Cadence is truly playing a big part as that has been one of the major components I've been working on for the past month. Getting my cadence up to that 180 spm. Also happy my V02 has gone up to the 50 range..
8.72 kmDistance
5:50 min/kmAvg Pace
585 CCalories
2 mElev Gain
142 bpmAvg HR
148 bpmMax HR
180 spmAvg Cadence
196 spmMax Cadence

March 5, 2015 @ 7:36 PM

Tempo Running. 
Thursday night tempo run. Work out was set: warm up 3.22 km at 6:14-6:47/km; Interval 9.66 km at 5:37-5:47/km; Cool down 1.61 km at 6:14-6:47 km. Temperature at -6C/21F, friggin heatwave.

14.49 kmDistance
5:54 min/kmAvg Pace
1,037 CCalories
11 mElev Gain
147 bpmAvg HR
157 bpmMax HR
179 spmAvg Cadence
240 spmMax Cadence

March 7, 2015 @ 8:03 AM

Came into this run thinking cadence management. But it was the Brooks demo day and I tried on a pair of new Cascadia's which were good, except a little tight on my right foot as I find my right foot is like EEE wider than my left foot. Ran with Ron, Josh, Phil, Ted and Lori and I was surprised at my pace. Hoping tomorrows LSD is like today's effort. After the run the second toe on my right foot was very sore. I'm sure it's from the tightness of the shoes. 
16.38 kmDistance
5:36 min/kmAvg Pace
1,092 CCalories
22 mElev Gain
149 bpmAvg HR
187 bpmMax HR
176 spmAvg Cadence
211 spmMax Cadence

March 8, 2015 @ 3:38 PM

Sunday LSD. Got in a nice 16 miler for Wk7 Fargo Marathon training. Despite the nice weather, I was soaked to the core with my shoes and socks so it made running a bit uncomfortable. Took my socks off at Kildonan Park shelter and took my Hammer gel, water and rested for a bit. Had to stop and re-adjust my shoes (Salomon Fellcross3) as this was my first time running sockless in these, in fact these are the first run in the shoes (not a smart idea for an LSD). But when I got back home, I quickly changed into my Asics Goretex and fresh socks and that made a world of difference until the last 2 miles where I was just feeling very exhausted. I did have water w/ maltodextrin at the house, but I should have taken another gel. Glad I got in the mileage.

25.61 kmDistance
6:07 min/kmAvg Pace
1,534 CCalories
18 mElev Gain
140 bpmAvg HR
155 bpmMax HR
175 spmAvg Cadence
213 spmMax Cadence