
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Summertime...and the Living is...

Last time I wrote in this blog I talked about my daughter's 10k race and how she managed to gut through the whole race. That was a cold and rainy father's day and I think most of Winnipeg feared that that weather was a harbinger of things to come for the rest of our such short summer after such a cold brutal winter.

But shortly after, the sun did manage to come out and summer came into full swing and it's been pretty decent and warm since but I had a bit of trouble getting focused to run and train for my upcoming marathon in Minneapolis. I had some personal issues that needed to be taken care of and on July 3rd, I was able to sort a good chunk of it out. I then drafted out a training plan and showed it to coach Dan and Erick from CPR and they in turn adjusted to more realistic outlay.

So from July 1 up until present day I've been running...running with consistency and elevating my mileage longer and longer and also spending more time on my feet. I'm very glad and lucky to have taken the Marathon and half-marathon training clinic offered by City Park Runners over the winter as that built this huge base of fitness where I can build upon to get stronger and faster.

Starting from June, I logged in 126km (78mi) and July was 146km (90mi). As of August 13, 2014 I've logged in 90KM (55mi) and this is the month in my training where I really start hammering out the LSDs and getting in 90 - 100 km (55- 62mi)weeks. After June, I managed to get a little bit stronger and healthier and have been running without any noticeable pain in my legs or body. My recovery time between runs is getting quicker, but I still play it smart in taking the time to rest and recover for the next run or workout.

A more granular view of everything so far

As I've reasoned after a May race, I took some time off to rest and sort out my personal life. Then June was spent just getting back into running and healing from a lot of the aches and pains I was suffering from running. I was doing a lot more core work and leg strengthening exercises. My most notable aches were my achilles and the hamstring on my left leg. I spent a lot of time foam rolling and read and learned a lot from this book "Anatomy for Runners" which gave me a lot of insight in how my body functions when I'm in the state of running.

I still kept going to the CPR Thursday(tempo) and Saturday(LSD) runs and then I received a message from Dr. Phil asking me to join them running Tuesday evenings. So I added the Tuesday get-together's as another part of my training and kept going every Tuesday for another 10km which was another Tempo paced run. I can't stress enough how running with a group that is faster than me, has helped me tremendously.

My training week would be Monday an 8km run in my neighborhood and I'd call that Prep run. Then Tuesday would be gym workout at work then in the evening with Dr. Phil and Lori, Doug and Roberto and sometimes Paul and we'd run from The Crescent to the Legislative building and back which would be roughly over 9km and we'd do it tempo style. I'd then do Yoga on Wednesday and the regular Thursday CPR tempo, rest Friday and do the LSD on Saturday with a recovery slow 5-8km run on Sunday. July was mostly focused on running tempos and just getting in the mileage to prepare my body for the big miles that will come in August.

August is the crucial month in my training. I signed up for a CPR speed clinic which replaces the Tuesday tempos with Dr. Phil and the gang (since they signed up for the speed clinic too). I entered a 14km Trail race in the 2nd weekend of August to test my fitness. I wanted to see where I was in my training, and I'm happy to say despite the severe heat (thank goodness I brought my water bottle with me) I managed a 7 minute PR from the same race last year, so I'm improving. I know what I could have done better, but with the improvement it gives me a measuring stick of where I'm at and what I need to do to. The next day I banged out 24km as I wanted to get that feeling of running on tired legs.  And from what I'm seeing I believe I'm improving and should do well. I know I still have a long ways to go to be where I want to be, but running is a process I can't rush as I'll just hurt myself which will sideline me and set me back.

The other thing I can't stress enough is writing all of this down in a training diary. Even though I upload my runs onto Garmin Connect and I sync across multiple fitness sites. In the Garmin Connect site I write down how the run went, what I ate or my mood so I can look back and review my training cycle. But writing it all down in a training diary is so invaluable. I have it with me always and I'm always looking back and reviewing my week. The checkboxes of Mood/Energy/Nutrition/Water and Sleep are great for seeing patterns. The training diary I got is laid out nice and neat and I'm able to put in quick notes and just fill in the blanks and I'll add post-it notes to the days I do gym workouts.

So for the rest of August will be long mileage and speed work. September I'll enter another practice race to see where my fitness is at from over the HOT summer months and then taper just in time for the Twin Cities Marathon slated for October 5, 2014.

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