
Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 13 CPR Marathon Training...tapering and the horses it rode in on.

We really didn't get them April showers...if followed by clumps of snow, is considered showers...ugh. But April has come and gone and May springs about a new hope as for a lot of my CPR clinic brethren are in the apex of their marathon training and preparation. The Fargo, ND marathon is coming on May 10, 2014. I'm in the tapering portion which wikipedia says:

In the context of sports, tapering refers to the practice of reducing exercise in the days just before an important competition.[1] Tapering is customary in many endurance sports, such as themarathon, athletics and swimming. For many athletes, a significant period of tapering is essential for optimal performance. The tapering period frequently lasts as much as a week or more.
Oh that's precious....

Week 13 CPR 5k Time Trials

April 29, 2014
Week 1 class 1 was a 5k time trial which we did in a deep freeze and sheets of ice. This day was +12C and on dry pavement. The one thing coach Dan wanted us to do was write down what we think our time would be for this time trial. My week 1 time was 24:21, Osty was ribbing me throughout the day encouraging me to go for a 19 minute 5k. Plenty of eye-rolls later, I wrote down 21 mins, as I know I realistically don't have a 19 minute 5k in me yet. 

Avg Pace
The big almost...damn...big mistake was running way too fast at the start. I was about 100m with Yves then he took off and then coach Dan, Travis and Barry just blew by me and I knew I over did it when I checked the first split. At the 3km split I could literally hear Tracy and Becky right on my tail with Erick. This was around the Zoo parking lot and as I was trying to muster up some courage...the most dreadful thing I can hear was said upon me...and by Tracy of all people..."Hey my dear friend..." and then gone...I was literally watching Tracy, Becky and Erick pull away from me. I wasn't upset...more that deflated feeling when you know you started off way too fast and you don't want to use the after burners to catch them in the middle of a race when you still have 2 more kilometers.

It was when we got to the Formal Gardens that I was able to get my shit together and put up a good fight. I was trying to close the gap with Becky but she was just too fast and it was her day. I ended up with 22:51 and it was very humbling but overall I was happy that I did at least improve from week 1...and I should be tapering...

Week 13 CPR Tempo

May 1, 2014
Nothing really special about this run. (I lied...every run is kinda special...) A little bit of a tune up before the WPS Half Marathon & Relay. I had the pleasure of running with Tracy, Lori, Joshua, Dr. Phil and Doug on this run as they are fast. With the spring thaw we decided to run our summer 10k route through the Assiniboine forest. Osty was running alongside me but then had to drop when we were running by the golf course. He's been feeling shin splints and wanted to let himself heal before the marathon. I commend him for listening to his body as I know he's got this iron will that would get him through a full marathon...I've witnessed it.

Avg Pace

At the 5km turn I noticed that Tracy started picking up the pace. Then Lori decides to join in the fun...this was heading back through the golf course. Doug, Lori, Tracy and Dr. Phil decided to turn it on once we got to the park on our way to the Formal Gardens and that competitive fever took over me and it took a lot of mental arguing to keep myself in check because I knew I only had enough afterburner for the last kilometer which is just the end of the Formal Gardens loop to the bridge. I just needed to keep myself up within striking distance of Tracy as when we rounded the corner I think everyone was starting to get into that last push.

This is where I can attest A LOT of the speed training our clinic has done shines. I've been practicing that kilometer kick for the past 2 months and lengthening it a bit at a time. This was something I gleamed from Erick whenever we did the tempo runs, he always knew where the last kilometer was and he'd look back at us and say "Lets take it home!" and he'd push. With the interval work we've been doing, I would take those feelings and emotions of pushing and transfer it to the tempo run and sometimes the LSD's. And the more I practiced it, I'd lengthen the distance a bit more. 

As Tracy and Lori were exiting the loop, I attacked. I gave the kick and went for it. I can hear Doug saying "Must be those Hoka's" and I smiled. I felt great just giving it and I can sense Tracy going in for the kill and it was such a rush when you know you got this and there's nothing anyone else can do. It was a small victory in my mind, not because I 'beat' everyone but it proved to me that after a year I can keep up with the CPR Thursday regular group and I was able to manage my energy and reel in those anxious feelings of wanting to take off for the sake of taking off...and I should be tapering.

But wait! There's know about tapering and how you should REDUCE exercise in the days before a big event? About that...

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