
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Weeks 9 & 10 - Putting the pieces together

You know that old saying "When life gives you lemons, you punch it in the throat?" I think that could be said about marathon training. I've been lucky that I haven't been injured, oh hell, I've felt the aches and pains of the training, but the training in itself is what is keeping me from injury as the volume of running is slowly making a 10% weekly progression in intervals, tempo and distance. The training also helps me in recovery as I find myself recovering faster after the hard interval training, tempo is at a quicker pace and for my long slow distance, I can run longer but not slower.

Week 9 CPR Intervals

April 1, 2014
Sandwich workout

  • 3 minutes at 5km pace with a 2 minute recovery job X 1
  • 1 minute at 3km pace with 1 minute recovery X 5 (after last interval 2 minute recovery jog) 
  • 3 minutes at 5km pace with a 2 minute recovery job X 1 
  • 1 minute at 3km pace with 1 minute recovery X 5 (after last interval 2 minute recovery jog) 
  • 3 minutes at 5km pace with a 2 minute recovery job X 1

No fooling on this day as consistency was the key for this interval. Trying to judge your 5km pace to the 3km pace is actually harder and as you're getting into the last set your mind and body is fighting for oxygen that it doesn't have. But from my splits I was getting faster which I'm happy about.

Avg Pace

Week 9 CPR LSD

April 5, 2014
I missed Thursday's tempo run as I was sick. Yes sick from the weather as it was another bleh day with wet snow coming down in clumps, but also sick sick...with sniffles and coughing and sneezing and my co-worker wondering when I was going to leave the office so I don't infect the rest of the office. But I'm dedicated to my job dammit! So I focused my training for the Saturday long distance...and this was the last time I would not fuel up before a long run as I wanted to see how long I could last at a consistent pace on a handful of oats and rely on the chubby fat goodness of my body to fuel me.

This training run was to be one of our longest at 30km (18mi). And with watering stations at Misercordia and The Forks, I discovered I was able to handle a distance of 27km (16mi) before I came crashing to a halt almost face first into route 90 underpass as I was completely gassed out...nothing left in me except regret and misery of having to cover another 2km before I can get back to CPR. Osty was completely on that day as his pace and cadence was consistent and he paced with Barry one of the other guys in our group who's gunning for a Boston marathon qualifier this year. Tyler ran with me the last 2km, I think to feel sorry for me...

Week 10 - Strength and Core training at Pure Lifestyles

April 8, 2014
This time instead of our interval speed work, the clinic headed out to Pure Lifestyles on 1129 Empress Street, Winnipeg. We were met with JF a physiotherapist and Amy a personal trainer. They took us through specificity training for runners and low and behold it was pretty much core training and me cocksure thinking I knew what I was doing...I was wrong. With planks we were taught the difference of core strength and core stability. I had the core strength per se being able to hold a plank position properly, but with the core stability doing plank push-ups, my hips would compensate to move me up and down into the position which was wrong as you wanted to have your hips rigid and stable so it helps strengthen the hips and gluteus medius which is one of the driving muscles used in running. It was an eye-opening experience and something I took away and have been putting into practice since. I need a strong ass...not be one.

Which reminded me of this story. One of my favorite books is "Zen in the Martial Arts" by Joe Hyams. One of my favorite chapters is titled "Empty your cup" the story is about a Japanese Zen master who received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen...

... It was obvious to the master from the start of the conversation that the professor was not so much interested in learning about Zen as he was in impressing the master with his own opinions and knowledge. The master listened patiently and finally suggested they have tea. The master poured his visitor's cup full and then kept on pouring.
The professor watched the cup overflowing until he could no longer restrain himself. 'The cup is overfull, no more will go in.'
'Like this cup,' the master said, 'you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?'"

Week 10 CPR Tempo run

April 10, 2014
This turned out to be a nice day to run...which in turn made the streets all wet and puddle filled...which made the ground super soft and the trails super muddy. So I decided to run in shorts, since it actually hit +7C that day. And while we were running to avoid huge oceanic puddles, I idiotically decided to run on top of a snowbank and oh was +7 above freezing temp and I went right through a snowbank hip deep while wearing shorts and since the snowbank had a top layering of ice, going through the snowbank with my bare legs scraped my shins up and packed jagged ice up into my unmentionables. I'm glad I wore sunglasses as I'm sure I was tearing up from the shock and pain. It was when we got back to the store, Osty noticed how gashed up my left shin was...and then the pain came in waves...

Still did the 10k in under an hour...and this was also the day I helped out a friend change her flat tire in the middle of nowhere and I went into work for midnight to do some server maintenance work. Fun filled evening with my sock covered in blood.

Week 10 CPR LSD

April 12, 2014
Good night sleep, check...breakfast of scrambled eggs, peanut butter toast and coffee, check...sun salutationing up, check. Packed Gummi Bears for mid race fueling strategy...check. As I can't stomach the racing gels for some odd reason...

After months of base building (cause all your base are belong to us), speed work, tempo, running on a semi-empty stomach or at times one layer too short and close to freezing...I started to put all of the pieces together in how I want to prepare. When I take a step back and look at all the work that has been's like this crazy puzzle with so many pieces missing...I was able to find the missing pieces and put things together to make a better picture.

Was supposed to do 20 km this morning, but most of the run group split up at Misercordia hospital. Osty turned around at the 4-5 km mark as his feet were hurting him. So I decided to just run to Osbourne and head back with a loop at the formal gardens with the intention of running at my perceived marathon pace. I told myself to NOT look at my watch and just run at what I believe was a pace I could handle for 18km. And I felt like I accomplished there was no internal struggle, no worrying of my footing or how cold I was feeling. The only signal I was taking was whenever my watched beep to signal a Kilometer...I'd pop 2 or 3 gummi bears in my mouth and chew on a couple and let the others melt in the side of my mouth. This was giving me the carbs, sodium, protein and just enough distraction to help me forget if I'm hurting or not.

I was really happy with the splits as this is the fastest pace I've run consistently.

Avg Pace

Oooh...I also ran in my new Hoka One One (ohnee ohnee) Rapa Nui 2 trail shoes which I think are going to be my marathon shoes for this season...that or my out of box Brooks Pure Flows which I have 2 pairs...the dayglo yellow or blue not pictured....ugh...I actually have 8 pairs of shoes for running?!

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