February 17, 2015 @ 6:54 PM
City Park Runners 2015 Wk5 Speed clinic. -31C/-24F.Wait...what the hell? Same time last week it was +30C/88F. Sorry I didn't bring the spring temps back home... This is the hardy group doing our track warm up, In the dark of the Frozen North.
6x3mins at 5km race pace. With 1:30 min recovery in between.
I think the run sessions I did down south helped as I felt refreshed and fast and I kept within my training paces but always on that cusp of able give more if needed. The recovery paces were just as important as my intervals. I'm getting closer to that ideal fitness, keep the training focused and keep smiling...even when your teeth are chattering.
5.11 kmDistance
5:17 min/kmAvg Pace
332 CCalories
mElev Gain
155 bpmAvg HR5:17 min/kmAvg Pace
332 CCalories
mElev Gain
166 bpmMax HR
February 18, 2015 @ 8:31 PM
5.40 kmDistance
6:33 min/kmAvg Pace
354 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
144 bpmAvg HR6:33 min/kmAvg Pace
354 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
184 bpmMax HR
February 19, 2015 @ 8:05 PM
-15C with a wicked -30 Windchill. Still hard to get the footing. Thursday night Tempo run...according to Runners World: "A tempo run is a faster-paced workout also known as a lactate-threshold, LT, or threshold run. Tempo pace is often described as "comfortably hard." Tonight's tempo was done during -28C/-19F with 40km/25mph winds running through 4" of snow. So the speed/pace wasn't there but my heart rate was at my tempo zone. Still trying to get that cadence higher. I just have to smile through this and know that there are others like me who don't have access to a treadmill to be able to do their workout...lol.
Oh universe, I really hope this makes me strong and resilient.
10.38 kmDistance
5:59 min/kmAvg Pace
738 CCalories
3 mElev Gain
154 bpmAvg HR
182 bpmMax HR
174 spmAvg Cadence 182 bpmMax HR
202 spmMax Cadence
February 21, 2015 @ 5:28 PM
-38.2F yeah you read that right...It was -39C wc in the early morning but I barely had any sleep last night so I decided to sleep in and run in the evening thinking it'll warm up...at -36C wc...yeah a little better. But glad I got in some mileage. I'll get some good sleep tonight and do my LSD tomorrow.
8.07 kmDistance
5:35 min/kmAvg Pace
531 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
150 bpmAvg HR5:35 min/kmAvg Pace
531 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
158 bpmMax HR
February 22, 2015 @ 12:24 PM
5:55 min/kmAvg Pace
796 CCalories
3 mElev Gain
151 bpmMax HR
179 spmAvg Cadence
200 spmMax Cadence
200 spmMax Cadence
February 24, 2015 @ 6:53 PM
2015 CPR Wk 6 Intervals. Workout is 20x1 min at slightly faster that 5k race pace with 1 min recovery. TOUGH on the last half of the workout.5:25 min/kmAvg Pace
471 CCalories
6 mElev Gain
151 bpmAvg HR
167 bpmMax HR
180 spmAvg Cadence 167 bpmMax HR
244 spmMax Cadence
February 28, 2015 @ 8:02 AM
Running w/ my buddy Barry |
Running with Redlight |
5:57 min/kmAvg Pace
1,099 CCalories
26 mElev Gain
147 bpmAvg HR
159 bpmMax HR
177 spmAvg Cadence 159 bpmMax HR
255 spmMax Cadence