
Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 2015 > 27 - 31 Running Days

January 27, 2015 @ 9:41 PM

2015 CPR Wk2 Intervals. Missed the CPR workout group, but I had the workout outline from coach Dan. Speed work notes: 1 KM repeats at 5KM pace (5:31 - 5:42) with 1KM recovery at (5:50 - 6:12). I wasn't able to hit my pace targets as the ground was still very icy and after a long day at the office and then my daughter's band recital, I was able to squeeze in the workout at 9:40 PM when I should be ready to pass out in bed. Overall my perceived effort of the intervals felt like I was on target.

7.43 kmDistance
5:28 min/kmAvg Pace
503 CCalories
0 mElev Gain
156 bpmAvg HR
197 bpmMax HR
177 spmAvg Cadence
195 spmMax Cadence

January 28, 2015 @ 5:47 PM

2015 CPR Wk2 Recovery Running. Focus of this run was for full recovery no matter how 'well' I felt like I could go faster. After last night's speed workout it was important to get in a recovery run for training stress - By exposing your body to fatigue and exhaustion, key workouts stimulate adaptations that enable you to resist fatigue better the next time. And for running volume to help with my running fitness. Again, the only problem was my hands. I wasn't wearing heavy gloves thinking the weather wasn't as cold but as it got darker, the wind picked up and my hands froze. Really need to find a good running mitt as gloves will not cut it. Cadence is getting higher, but I'd love to get to that 180SPM average.

12.01 kmDistance
6:50 min/kmAvg Pace
746 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
130 bpmAvg HR
138 bpmMax HR
177 spmAvg Cadence
194 spmMax Cadence

January 29, 2015 @ 5:54 PM

2015 CPR Wk2 Tempo Running. This was a HARD run. ALL the sidewalks were just completely iced over so it was impossible to get any kind of cadence and speed build up. I was supposed to do 12km but decided to fuck it with the horrible surface. I don't think spikes would have done any good. Live to run another day.

6.45 kmDistance
6:03 min/kmAvg Pace
430 CCalories
2 mElev Gain
141 bpmAvg HR
156 bpmMax HR
174 spmAvg Cadence
219 spmMax Cadence

January 31, 2015 @ 8:04 AM

2015 CPR Wk2 Steady State Running. Was not feeling it today. My plan was to run 16km but I just came out completely flat this morning. I was fighting myself internally to keep my shit together but this -34C wind chill just beat me down so I cut the run short. Chalk this up to experience and move on.

13.86 kmDistance
6:21 min/kmAvg Pace
840 CCalories
21 mElev Gain
137 bpmAvg HR
174 bpmMax HR
173 spmAvg Cadence
255 spmMax Cadence

Monday, January 26, 2015

January 2015 > 20 - 25 Running Days

January 20, 2015 @ 7:12 PM

2015 CPR Week 1. First day of the CPR running clinic. We did a 5km time trial. I worked last night and took my mom to her appointments so I had to get by on 3 hrs of sleep felt very flat. Not my best I know I can run faster. Have to get my cadence up higher, a little difficult with the icy footing

4.83 kmDistance
5:08 min/kmAvg Pace
319 CCalories
2 m Elev Gain
161 bpmAvg HR
169 bpmMax HR
174 spmAvg Cadence
194 spmMax Cadence

January 21, 2015 @ 7:10 PM

2015 CPR Wk1 Recovery Running. Easy recovery run after hard workout last night. Felt good although I found myself running too fast at times, probably due to being super hungry near the end.

6.71 kmDistance
6:13 min/kmAvg Pace
444 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
137 bpmAvg HR
145 bpmMax HR
173 spmAvg Cadence
196 spmMax Cadence

January 22, 2015 @ 7:13 PM

2015 CPR Wk1 Rising Tempo Run. Focus of this run was a tempo run with negative splits. Wasn't worried of overall time. Ran the first 5km as an easy paced run (quads felt sore still from CPR workout) then started cranking out the tempo pace for the last 5km. It's neat how you can quiet your mind and increase the suffering.

10.83 kmDistance
6:06 min/kmAvg Pace
751 CCalories
2 mElev Gain
147 bpmAvg HR
164 bpmMax HR
171 spmAvg Cadence
192 spmMax Cadence

January 24, 2015 @ 8:01 AM

2015 CPR Wk1 Steady State Running.

16.46 kmDistance
5:56 min/kmAvg Pace
1,061 CCalories
20 mElev Gain
146 bpmAvg HR
189 bpmMax HR
175 spmAvg Cadence
218 spmMax Cadence

January 25, 2015 @ 5:50 PM

2015 CPR Wk1 LSD. Focus of this run was to do a nice easy pace and keep it well within my aerobic threshold zone. And this run did that. I was tired from yesterday's run, but getting out there and putting the time and mileage is building the foundation stronger for my marathon training. Need to find a good 10 mile route so I can get my mind pass this distance.

16.03 kmDistance
6:36 min/kmAvg Pace
1,018 CCalories
8 mElev Gain
135 bpmAvg HR
145 bpmMax HR
175 spmAvg Cadence
188 spmMax Cadence

Monday, January 19, 2015

January 2015 > 13 - 18 Running Days

January 13, 2015 @ 8:42 PM

10km run. Dropped Madeline at her dance class and I ran around the RiverBend area trying to get in 10km distance.
10.01 kmDistance
6:26 min/kmAvg Pace
10 m Elev Gain
672 CCalories
141 bpmAvg HR
149 bpmMax HR
170 spmAvg Cadence 
191 spmMax Cadence

January 14, 2015 @ 9:39 PM

Late run.

5.42 kmDistance
5:44 min/kmAvg Pace
367 CCalories
1 mElev Gain
149 bpmAvg HR
157 bpmMax HR
174 spmAvg Cadence 
184 spmMax Cadence

January 15, 2015 @ 6:54 PM

Running Rising Tempo. Purpose of this run was to do a rising tempo. I ran the first 5km at under 150 bpm to warm up and get my endurance pace stable. Then went into tempo pace the last 5km getting faster each km. Finally negative splitting! Footing was still unstable with soft and hard pack snow.
10.81 kmDistance
5:57 min/kmAvg Pace
732 CCalories
7 mElev Gain
147 bpmAvg HR
161 bpmMax HR
176 spmAvg Cadence
187 spmMax Cadence

January 17, 2015 8:04 AM

Focus this morning was a steady state easy pace keeping the effort under 150 bpm. My pacing was in line with my HR. Felt good throughout. Weather was good.
12.15 kmDistance
6:16 min/kmAvg Pace
805 CCalories
14 mElev Gain
147 bpmAvg HR
190 bpmMax HR
175 spmAvg Cadence
213 spmMax Cadence

January 18, 2015 4:15 PM

Focus today was to run a 10 miler LSD at a nice easy pace. And I believe I nailed it with my HR at the appropriate zones. Only problem was I didn't wear proper gloves as my hands started to freeze really bad.
16.34 kmDistance
6:47 min/kmAvg Pace
982 CCalories
7 mElev Gain
133 bpmAvg HR
140 bpmMax HR
171 spmAvg Cadence
184 spmMax Cadence

Monday, January 12, 2015

January 2015 > 1 - 11 Running Days

January 1, 2015 @ 9:35 AM

First run of the New year. Ran with Phil, Lori, Josh, Paul, Geoff, Roberto, Erick, Cheryll, Ron and Tyler.
9.91 kmDistance
5:35 min/kmAvg Pace
622 CCalories
27m Elev Gain

January 3, 2015 @ 8:02 AM

Extreme windchill of -37C blowing snow with a lot of drifts made running very difficult this morning. Glad I got to go out, but running in itself was difficult just due to the cold. Could never get warm and it showed in my pace and cadence.
6.01 kmDistance
6:08 min/kmAvg Pace
400 CCalories
4 m Elev Gain

January 5, 2015 @ 6:08 PM

-31C/-24F All I kept singing to myself was "Let it Go!" With the windchill it became -38C/-36F so a little chilly but glad I got in the run. I didn't really have time to do 10k but I did want to run a little farther. Main goal was to keep my pace low intensity and purposely run slow. But at times I'd find myself going faster than I wanted, especially near the end. Maybe it's because I was getting cold. Noticed from the stats my  cadence was getting lower as my vertical oscillation started to rise ie: bounce more...hmmm, still early to determine consistent stats.
6.44 kmDistance
5:45 min/kmAvg Pace
425 CCalories
4 m Elev Gain

January 7, 2015 @ 6:11 PM

-20C/-30WC. My focus for this run was to run within my target HR zone (Aerobic) which means to purposely run slower than I want to or am capable of. But what I liked was this forced me to run disciplined and focused. I also noticed that my cadence was a lot higher. CPR Marathon training is starting soon and I'm going to focus running within HR zones this season.
6.41 kmDistance
6:14 min/kmAvg Pace
427 CCalories
3 m Elev Gain

January 8, 2015 @ 5:44 PM

Too cold to Tempo -20C/-26F with severe gusts and drifts. Tried to do a 10k tempo but that wasn't happening as I was having a hard time developing speed with the N/W gusts of 65km/h and huge snow drifts in my way was making the run more difficult to get good footing. So I went as anaerobic z4 as possible for 5km.
5.42 kmDistance
5:58 min/kmAvg Pace
383 CCalories
1 m Elev Gain

January 10, 2015 @  8:02 PM

-27C/-16F. Cold morning to say the least and still have this nagging cough. Sound like an 80 yr old smoker (honestly don't know). Found myself struggling during the middle part of the run with my HR going too high for the effort I wanted. But I think this is a combination of the bitter cold, me with a cold and my RHR at 62bpm instead of my normal 52bpm, so everything is a bit skewed. Plus the snow and ice on the ground made for challenging footing
12.01 kmDistance
5:52 min/kmAvg Pace
801 CCalories
17 m Elev Gain
151 bpmAvg HR
168 bpmMax HR
177 spmAvg Cadence
198 spmMax Cadence

January 11, 2015 @ 4:43 PM

-19C/-2F. Focus today was to keep my HR below 144 bpm to stay in the aerobic zone which is actually quite hard as I naturally want to speed up.  Still worked up a sweat with only wearing my Hind baselayer, vest, NF Jacket.
5.39 kmDistance
6:46 min/kmAvg Pace
387 CCalories
1 m Elev Gain
138 bpmAvg HR
147 bpmMax HR
170 spmAvg Cadence
186 spmMax Cadence